drawing in an army of silly jolters

Share your creations!

Call him Lantern...

Yea his name is literally Lantern

yknow what

Made this yesterday but this is my new pfp for the moment :3c

Fanart for @PinkyInky :3

sorry its not the best, im tired :,Dc

oh yeah
I made this for Hatsune Miku's birthday

I did more drawings! I'm sorry that I'm going at a slow pace, I'm still drawing all your characters! Just submit them here: https://gamejolt.com/p/i-have-come-to-make-an-announcment-i-will…

HERE ARE MORE CHARACTER'S DRAWN!!. Once again. I am still drawing them, don't worry if your character isin't here!

Here are more characters done! Don't worry I am still drawing them, just taking a small break. ( If you want yours drawn, go to the Original post)

The more I look at his head...the more I hate this...

Idk who and what this is but it's cool so I drew it :`)

Character not mine

Here are the the first 5 DONE! Don't worry, I'll slowly draw more of your characters, Just comment on the Original post!